Monthly Updates
Included in your package
WordPress Plugin Updates
WordPress Version Updates
WordPress Theme Updates
Unused themes only. Unused themes can also be removed (Recommended).
Unused themes only. Unused themes can also be removed (Recommended).
WordFence Security
Installation and configuration will only be required the first month, after which this plugin will provide enhanced security and threat monitoring. If there is a threat to your website, we will be notified immediately.
Installation and configuration will only be required the first month, after which this plugin will provide enhanced security and threat monitoring. If there is a threat to your website, we will be notified immediately.
Manual Security Scan
Identify / Repair / Remove infected WordPress core & plugin files.
Identify abandoned plugins & other vulnerabilities for ongoing security improvement recommendations.
Identify / Repair / Remove infected WordPress core & plugin files.
Identify abandoned plugins & other vulnerabilities for ongoing security improvement recommendations.